.Grandma's Magical Math

"An easy way to learn math facts!"


Teaching with Games

"Fun games that teach math facts."


Knowing math facts improves speed and accuracy.  Learning math facts is very much like learning a sport or gaining an athletic or musical achievement. Daily practice is needed to continually improve performance and build confidence. Memorizing these facts can be fun, when it becomes a game. Games, designed for practice of the math families being studied, take the place of drills and extra practice pages. The excellent results achieved with Grandma’s Math depend upon using the games. They are an integral part of this program.


There are no games to buy. Instructions for games to play in class are in the resource manual called The Teacher’s Book. Instructions for games to play at home, as assignments, are in the student’s Workbook.


Emphasize this motto: "We never guess. We look it up." If not absolutely sure of the answer, students are supposed to look at the picture before playing. That will help them remember it next time. Players use the pictures until they are memorized. This allows them to practice getting the correct answers.


Since a player doesn't get a turn until the other player gives the correct answer, and since winning is purely by chance, there is no incentive to play tricks and every incentive to help a classmate get it right. Players help each other which encourages co-operation. The slow learner does not need to guess, and he has an equal chance of winning. Players remind each other to "Think Picture!".


No one loses a turn as punishment for giving a wrong answer, and there is no thought of hurrying students through a game by setting time limits. Games are relaxed and fun. Young children learn better when exposed to less tension. There will be time enough for real competition later, after math facts are mastered.


To build speed, use "Grandma’s Math Beat the Clock Practice Pages" in the Workbooks. Let each student use a stop watch to find out how long it takes him/her to complete a page of math problems. This makes the student aware that time is important. Help the class get gradually faster and faster over a long period of time. Praise works wonders. Use it to boost your students’ confidence.


Grandma's Math games are successful tools for teaching math facts. This is especially true for teaching the slow learner. Students with all levels of learning ability enjoy playing these games, and they are learning without realizing it.


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Teaching with Games

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Grandma's Magical Math

Copyright 2016 by Grandma's Magical Math Inc.